Michael Ray Charles - In The Presence Of Light

Galerie Templon is unveiling for the first time in almost two decades the complex oeuvre of one of the most radical African-American artists of his generation: Michael Ray Charles. The In The Presence of Light exhibition, curated by Hedwig Van Impe, features a spectacular series of a dozen unseen paintings and sculptures.

A pioneer in exploring the representation of African-American communities within American history and pop culture, Michael Ray Charles created a sensation when he first emerged on the artistic scene in the nineties. The success of his shows at Tony Shafrazi Gallery in New York (1994 to 1999) quickly led him to exhibit extensively around Europe, including with Hans Mayer in Germany and, notably, Cotthem Gallery in Belgium and Spain. The controversial reception of his work, however, combined with a growing sense of frustration with the American art world led him, with Hedwig Van Impe's support, to disengage from the public sphere.
